Dean Ansley Tucker chats with Tara Saracuse from the Synod Office about the preparations for this weekend's consecration of Anna Greenwood-Lee as 14th Bishop of our Diocese.
Tara Saracuse (she/her) is the Executive Assistant to the Bishop and works in the Synod Office of the Diocese of Islands and Inlets (British Columbia). She has a degree in creative writing and is a published children's author, but her work background is primarily administrative. She has worked in adminstrative roles in book publishing, commercial construction, and the nonprofit sector. As an administrator, she loves problem-solving and making order out of chaos, and in particular, likes to utilize new technologies to achieve these goals. Tara and her husband live on a small hobby farm with their two dogs and four cats.
Watch the consecration and installation service this Saturday at 11.00am at this link: