The word “triduum” comes from a Latin root that means “three days.” The three days beginning at sundown on Maundy Thursday, continuing through Good Friday, reaching a high point at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night, and concluding at the close of Easter Sunday, are the most important period of the Christian liturgical year.
The Triduum is not so much a series of services, as one great festival, spanning in real time the last three days of Jesus’ life on earth. By faithfully following the traditional path of those days, we recall and reenact the Passion, Crucifixion, Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
This year, our Triduum guest preacher on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and at the Easter Vigil is the Very Rev’d Peter Elliott (pictured left), Dean Emeritus of Christ Church Cathedral in Vancouver, where he served for 25 years. Peter has held several senior staff and officer positions with the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, and is a former Chancellor of Vancouver School of Theology. He co-hosts the popular podcast “The Gospel and Musical Theatre.” He is married to textile artist Thomas Roach.
Principal Services of the Paschal Triddum