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Canon Elaine Ellison will be stepping down from her custodial and facilities duties at the end of the year, after her tireless commitment for seven years as a volunteer. That has included closing up each evening, supervising and scheduling the custodians, ordering supplies, meeting contractors and more. Elaine will continue as Sacristan, for which the Dean and Wardens are very grateful. Ed Hayley will be adding these duties to his position and take on a slightly different title: director of finance and facilities.

As the year ends, we say good-bye to The Rev'd Canon Susanne House. Then on Jan. 6, we welcome The Rev’d Ross Bliss, our new vicar. Come and see him at the 9.15 am service. Coffee time will be lengthened for a meet and greet with Ross, sso the next service will begin 15 minutes later at 11.15 am.